The Mission of Tribe Lacrosse:

To cultivate meaningful experiences for boys and girls by teaching life lessons through the great sport of Lacrosse.

Our core principles of H3 (Honor, Hustle and Humility) underlie and support a culture where effort and sportsmanship are our measure of success.

Honor- We honor the game. We honor the Rules of the Game, we honor the Officials, we honor our opponents, we honor our Teammates and we honor Self. 

We will never bend the rules or break the rules in an effort to gain an advantage.

Hustle- We always give 110%, even at practice. We would much rather lose a game where everyone gave 110% than to win a game where we played at 70%.

Humility- We will win with humility and lose with grace.

H3 was created by Coach Jay Heefner.  Jay was one of the Tribe's first coaches and to many of us he is referred to as the Tribe Coaches Coach.  Jay passed away in April 2012.