Tribe Code of Conduct   

The Tribe Code of Conduct (CoC) is designed to protect the integrity of every individual within our organization while holding us all to the standards set forth by our H3 mantra - Honor, Hustle and Humility.  As such, it is required of every parent, player and coach to read and sign the document.  Failure to do so will disqualify an individual from participating in any Tribe events with NO EXCEPTIONS (practices, games, jamborees etc.)  

The ultimate arbiter of violations of the CoC will be the Tribe Board of Directors.  In the case of an infraction the Head Coach should be notified first (or any Tribe Board Member in the case of a Head Coach violation).  More serious infractions will be elevated to the Board for consideration.  Given the subjective nature of potential violations, each case will be reviewed individually.  What follows are the general guidelines for penalties due to violations of the CoC should they be deemed necessary in any particular instance.   

Parent Code of Conduct 

Player Code of Conduct 

Coaches Code of Conduct   

A violation of the Code may result in the following depending on its level of seriousness    

If a player or coach violates the code of conduct then the penalty is as follows: 

 a.      1st offense, public apology to all affected and suspended for one game. 

 b.      2nd offense, public apology to all affected and suspended for the season. 

 c.      3rd offense, public apology to all affected and suspended indefinitely from playing/coaching for Tribe. 

If a parent or any extended family member attending a Tribe event violates the Parental code of conduct the penalty is as follows: 

 a.   1st offense - parent may not attend the next game 

 b.   2nd offense - parent may not attend any games for the remainder of that season 

 c.   3rd offense - parent is suspended indefinitely from attending any Tribe function