Concussion Protocol

Head injury continues to be a serious concern in youth sports, even when wearing helmets. Tribe Lacrosse takes the risk of head injury very seriously. Coaches are required to follow the Concussion Management Plan Guidelines set forth by US Lacrosse and observe the signs and symptoms of concussion as outlined in the Guidelines.

 Concussion Signs and Symptoms
 Signs (observed) Symptoms (reported by player)
 Appears dazed or stunned Is confused about assignment or position 
 Forgets an instruction Is unsure of game, score or opponent 
 Moves clumsily  Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall 
 Answers questions slowly  Can’t recall events after hit or fall
 Loses consciousness (even briefly)  Headache or “pressure” in head
 Shows mood, behavior or personality changes  Double or blurry vision
 Nausea or vomiting Sensitivity to light or noise
 Balance problems or dizziness Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
 Confusion Concentration or memory problems
  Does not “feel right” or is “feeling down”

Players with one or more signs or symptoms of concussion will be removed from activity until cleared by a medical professional. 

More information about concussions, what to look for, and how to manage a child with concussion can be accessed here.